"POC1 centriolar protein homolog B (Chlamydomonas), like"
Gene expression UMAP
UMAP projection of cells, colored by gene expression. The stage control can be used to switch cells to be colored by developmental stage. Mousing over the plot will highlight and identify particular tissues or clusters.
Other cell groups
The data was divided into different tissues based on cluster identity, transcriptional similarity, developmental stage, and established literature. Each of these groups was reanalyzed separately and can be viewed to investigate gene expression in more high resolution clusters.
Expression by stage/cluster
Expression, over time, within cell clusters or tissues. Size represents the portion of cells from that cluster and timepoint that have expression >0, while color represents the mean expression level in cells from that cluster and timepoint.
Correlated gene expression
Gene expression was correlated across all cells in the selected tissue to identify genes with the most similar (or dissimilar) expression. These results are specific to the all cells and each tissue view for a given gene.